The North Dakota Association for Talent Development invites talent development practitioners and corporate partners to share their knowledge and expertise with our chapter members and contribute to the field of knowledge for those in the community of talent development professionals.
ND ATD is an affiliate chapter of the Association for Talent Development international association. Established in 1998, ND ATD earned its charter from national in 1999. We are dedicated to increasing productivity and quality in the workplace through application of performance and learning technologies.
We have a diverse membership comprised of professionals who are involved in organizational development, instructional system design, training and development including technical and computer-based training, independent consulting, human resource management, and performance improvement. These individuals work in a variety of settings including finance, manufacturing, education, medicine, sales, and technology just to name a few.
Monthly chapter meetings typically fall on the third Wednesday of each month. Sessions typically run from 11:30-12:30pm CST. Additionally, we offer a networking session for 30 minutes following the presentation to further discuss the topic. Speakers are encouraged to attend if they are available, but it is not required. We also hold annual workshops that last from two to eight hours. These typically fall on the same day as our monthly meetings.
We strive to offer a balanced program of educational sessions by selecting proposals that best fit within the framework of the ATD Competency Model which emphasizes: (1) foundational competencies, or those that are important to everyone in the field, and (2) specific areas of expertise (AOEs), which are the specialized knowledge and actions required by specific roles as well as our chapter’s educational goals for the year. The ND ATD board evaluates potential presentation submissions and assists in making selections based on topic, speaker credentials and interest. Find more information on the Competency Model at:
Provide a detailed invoice to ND ATD for speaking fees and any related expenses following the presentation either emailed to or mailed to ND ATD, PO Box 10261, Fargo, ND 58106-0261.
North Dakota ATD if often able to offer SHRM credits for monthly sessions.
Interested? Complete the presentation form and email or mail to ND ATD at the addresses above.