Through exceptional learning and performance, we create a world that works better.

The North Dakota Chapter of ATD was established as a non-profit corporation in 1998. ND ATD set its vision on becoming the leading organization for learning, performance improvement, and professional development. The Chapter is committed to taking a proactive leadership role in the training and development profession by serving as a model for professional excellence. It provides opportunities for its members to:

  • Update knowledge of current issues, trends and state of the art technology in the field
  • Enhance professional skills and education
  • Share knowledge and experience with other professionals involved in the performance improvement process

Monthly programs featuring leading-edge topics and speakers

Professional development events providing opportunities to develop skills, knowledge, and techniques
Peer mentoring groups focused on talent development topics

Job-Center - an online listing of regional job openings in the talent development field

Networking events

Leadership opportunities that allow you to contribute to your professional reputation and career development.

Monthly programming is held virtually, so members and guests can participate from anywhere! Meetings are typically scheduled over the lunch hour. 

PO Box 10261
Fargo, ND 58106-0261

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