Professional Development Session | Trainer's Intuition: What is it, and how do I develop it? (Virtual)
In this session, we'll start to make conscious that mystical part of us we use daily without even realizing it: our intuition. We'll discuss the various ways we gain information from our intuition and how it helps us as trainers in the classroom (both live and online!). We'll practice techniques for identifying intuitive information and developing our intuitive skills.
Presenter: Trainer's Intuition
Amy Jokinen Professional Development Manager - Eide Bailly, LLC
Amy Jokinen is a professional development trainer with accounting firm Eide Bailly where she focuses on soft skills training and leadership development. Before joining Eide Bailly 14 years ago, she taught Freshman English and Screenwriting courses at Minnesota State University Moorhead. When not training, she enjoys studying and practicing holistic healing modalities. Her passion combines both interests: She loves helping people understand and develop their intuition.
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